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digitalmars.D.learn - Compile and run in Win10-VSCode

reply Paul <phshaffer gmail.com> writes:
Hi Community,

I'm Win10: I have VSCode installed.  I have DMD installed and can 
compile examples from a Win CMD console.

1) How do I compile and run from within VSCode?
2) VSCode Extensions:
       Do I need them?
       One kept generating errors and a note said it was not under 
active development so I
          uninstalled it.
       The remaining two are by WebFreak.  Are they working?  Do I 
need them?

Thanks for your time.
Sep 25 2020
next sibling parent Imperatorn <johan_forsberg_86 hotmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 25 September 2020 at 13:38:56 UTC, Paul wrote:
 Hi Community,

 I'm Win10: I have VSCode installed.  I have DMD installed and 
 can compile examples from a Win CMD console.

 1) How do I compile and run from within VSCode?
 2) VSCode Extensions:
       Do I need them?
       One kept generating errors and a note said it was not 
 under active development so I
          uninstalled it.
       The remaining two are by WebFreak.  Are they working?  Do 
 I need them?

 Thanks for your time.
The code-d extension is awesome. Use it. About building and running, there should be an associated code-D tasks. Otherwise, just type dub. Did you create your project using dub init?
Sep 25 2020
prev sibling parent Aldo <aldocd4 outlook.com> writes:
On Friday, 25 September 2020 at 13:38:56 UTC, Paul wrote:
 Hi Community,

 I'm Win10: I have VSCode installed.  I have DMD installed and 
 can compile examples from a Win CMD console.

 1) How do I compile and run from within VSCode?
 2) VSCode Extensions:
       Do I need them?
       One kept generating errors and a note said it was not 
 under active development so I
          uninstalled it.
       The remaining two are by WebFreak.  Are they working?  Do 
 I need them?

 Thanks for your time.
In VSCode the best way to work is by using dub directly. You should have a terminal on the bottom, just type dub it will compile & run your app. Or if you want you can use the vscode build system, create a new task in your project (Ctrl+Shift+B) and add the following task for example: { "label": "Compile and run", "type": "shell", "command":"dub", "group": { "kind": "build", "isDefault": true } } For debugging (on windows), I use the "C/C++" extension and the F5 key. It will create a launch.json file in "C:/projectPath/.vscode/launch.json". You just need to add something like that in this file: { "name": "(Windows) Debug", "type": "cppvsdbg", "request": "launch", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/yourexecutable.exe", "args": [], "stopAtEntry": false, "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", "environment": [], "externalConsole": false } Don't forget to enable breakpoints everywhere in your VSCode settings (Allow Breakpoints Everywhere checkbox).
Sep 25 2020