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digitalmars.D - Tutorial: zero-resource D web backends for occassionally-used services

reply WebFreak001 <d.forum webfreak.org> writes:
Hi all, I'm currently moving my server to new hardware and with 
that I'm porting some of my D applications to be more efficient. 
For this I have found one cool thing: SystemD .socket files.

SystemD .socket files are basically wrapping any program in a 
CGI, which is a lot like just having a server running the entire 
time. You then put the port you assigned to the socket behind a 
reverse proxy like caddy or nginx and it effectively always 
spawns the D program whenever there is a request with the raw 
HTTP request as stdin and expecting an output in stdout.

[My last 
post](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/dkabudjgyqcwnbfnwjxc forum.dlang.org) is
an example of something using this.

It requires manual parsing of HTTP, but 
could be used to do this task (with the plain CGI version set) - 
however for simple endpoints like basic loggers this can be 
really well working.

To set it up you have to create 4 things: a one-shot SystemD 
service which is executed on every request, a SystemD socket 
which handles the networking, the CGI app, a reverse proxy 
handling HTTPS and stuff.

SystemD example files: (with hardened security)

```ini [Unit] Description = Completion suggestion logger [Socket] ListenStream = 2141 Accept = yes [Install] WantedBy = sockets.target ```
 /etc/systemd/system/http-org-webfreak-completion .service
```ini [Unit] Description=Completion server accepter script [Service] User=http Group=http ExecStart=/srv/http/org.webfreak.completion/log WorkingDirectory=/srv/http/org.webfreak.completion StandardInput=socket InaccessiblePaths=/opt/ /etc/opt/ /boot/ /mnt/ /media/ ProtectSystem=strict ProtectHome=true TemporaryFileSystem=/var:ro BindPaths=/srv/http/org.webfreak.completion PrivateDevices=true DevicePolicy=closed #DeviceAllow=/dev/sda r NoNewPrivileges=true CapabilityBoundingSet= #CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE #AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE PrivateUsers=true SystemCallArchitectures=native SystemCallFilter= system-service LockPersonality=true RestrictNamespaces=true RestrictRealtime=true #RestrictSUIDSGID=true restrictions) ProtectKernelModules=true ProtectKernelTunables=true ProtectControlGroups=true #ProtectKernelLogs=true #ProtectClock=true #ProtectHostname=true #ProtectProc=invisible InaccessiblePaths=/dev/shm/ /dev/mqueue/ /dev/pts/ /dev/hugepages/ MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true SystemCallFilter=~memfd_create RemoveIPC=true ```
``` completion.webfreak.org { root * /srv/http/org.webfreak.completion/public file_server push /index.html /completion.png reverse_proxy /submit [::1]:2141 } ```
`curl https://completion.webfreak.org/log.d`
Apr 05 2021
parent Imperatorn <johan_forsberg_86 hotmail.com> writes:
On Monday, 5 April 2021 at 23:03:14 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
 Hi all, I'm currently moving my server to new hardware and with 
 that I'm porting some of my D applications to be more 
 efficient. For this I have found one cool thing: SystemD 
 .socket files.

This is actually a bit cozy
Apr 06 2021